When the Time is Right

In my last post I talked about “When Do We Know”. When DO we know its time to move out, move on, go toward something different by walking away from what you are currently doing.

One way is to test the waters you will be going into. Put a toe in or spend a bit of time researching your passion and looking into what it is you are thinking about doing.

It’s not always about the money. If it was meant to be, the money will be there. First look at your passion. What is your passion in life? What makes you get up in the morning and what do you look forward to in life?

Are you doing it? Are you following your passion, or following the money? There is one more element. The spiritual element. The element you can’t see or touch, but you can feel. It is a feeling you get inside when you think about what you want to do. God will guide you toward your destiny, when you let Him. You have to be ready to act. He will give you the tools you need to get to your divine destiny, but it takes courage; something God told many people in the Bible to have. God said “be bold and courageous.”

If something continues to nag at you, especially a life change, that could be God trying to move you. His blessings are numerous when you walk in His will and His ways. You may never know when the time is right, but He knows. When we put our care in His hands, we will receive things we’ve never thought possible. GB.