It’s Not Hard Being a Christian, but It is Hard…..

As you already know, I have decided not to host Sunday service any longer at Martinwood Christian Church.  With all the crazy things going on in my life, I need time to decompress and figure out what God wants me to do.  So far it has been great.

The church has stepped up, and they are keeping Sunday doors open, and it is going good.  I met with the pastors and they are on board with stepping up and leading.  There are eight ordained pastors at our church and they are the best group of people.  They know when to step up and lead.  Or should I say they are allowing more of the Holy Spirit to work within them giving them courage to lead. 

Becoming God’s hands and feet are the greatest thing one could achieve.  He wants to do great things through people like you, but we must let Him. 

At one of my meetings someone said it is hard to be a Christian.  That statement bothered me.  It bothered me from many different directions so I took time to investigate the idea of it being hard to be a Christian.  As my wife and I are talking I said:

It’s not hard being a Christian

It’s hard letting go of the world:

It’s hard letting go of the world we’ve become so accustomed to following and living in.

It’s hard letting go of anger, hurt, and “those” types of memories.  It’s hard to let go of politics or religion as the world sees it.  It’s hard not following the masses, especially when not doing what they do considers you an outcast.  We all want to belong. 

We long to be part of something, but sometimes we must let go of what we have, to become something bigger, better, and that brings you closer to God.

It’s not hard being a Christian

It’s hard letting go of the world

GB.  M