8 Spiritual Attacks You Need to Know About

The 8 Spiritual Attacks you need to know about have been known since at least 400 A.D. I found out about them while reading a book about the desert monks. I believe these attacks happen on a daily basis today, just like they did in 400 A.D.

There are many spiritual attacks to watch out for. You will know when these spiritual attacks are coming against you. You will feel icky feelings inside, unless you’ve gotten used to them. Amongst those feelings areā€¦




And lot more feelings you notice that are more intense than you have ever felt.

There was a fourth century monk called Evagrius of Pontus. His influence was seen throughout early Christian churches. Evagrius was a high ranking bishop who’d spent most of his life in ministry. He was the overseer of many churches. Evagrius was also instrumental in the original Nicene Creed which as you know is very similar to the Apostles Creed.

Evagrius of Pontus was a dessert monk. He researched evil attacks made against the monks he worked with. For instance he talks about a monk coming from wealthy families who had a spiritual attack of the love of money. The kind of attack trying to get him to believe he should have had lots of money, but instead he chose to be a monk.

Evil spirits know what to attack. They sometimes seem like they know as much about you as your best friend knows, but they’re not a friend, much less a best friend. Evagrius wanted to understand and define the spiritual attacks the monks were having because each of the 8 attacks seem to have certain characteristics about them.

As a result of his studies, Evagrius of Pontus identified 8 spiritual attacks (demons we face, some on a daily basis). These are attacks you need to be aware of so in full armor, you can fight against them and win! Any one or all of these attacks could happen against you, especially if you have a strong relationship with God. These spirits do not like us having a strong relationship with God so they try to kill steal or destroy that relationship. .

Evil believes it has forever to taunt you and to get between you and God. What he doesn’t expect is your knowing and fighting his every move and that’s why we first need to know these demons exist, then I’ll show you how to fight them.

Evagrius book, Talking Back is about taking charge, standing up against them for the fight by talking back to evil spirits using the same tools Jesus used when Satan taunted him in the desert.

The premise of the book is that there is scripture to combat each one of the 8 demons. These scripture verses give you the ability to stand your ground and talk back to each of the 8 demons and repel them.

  1. Thoughts of Gluttony
    • Excess in eating or drinking
    • Greedy or excessive indulgence
  2. Thoughts of Fornication
    • Consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other
  3. Concerning Love of Money
    • Making the love of money a priority in life, even above God.
  4. Concerning the Thoughts of the Demon of Sadness
    • Affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness
  5. Against the Demon of Anger
    • A strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism
    • A threatening or violent appearance or state
  6. Against the Thoughts of the Demon of Listlessness
    • Characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit
  7. Against the Thoughts from the Demon of Vainglory
    • Excessive or ostentatious pride especially in one’s achievements
    • Vain display or show
  8. Against the Cursed thoughts of Pride
    • Exaggerated self-esteem CONCEIT
    • (Self-esteem = confidence and satisfaction in oneself SELF-RESPECT)