The Armor of God Will Get You Through

Ephesians 6:10 Finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. God didn’t say life would be easy, but He put some things in place to help us get through life. God’s Word, the Holy Bible, points out ways to help us get through life. Mike Bitter will explain how the Armor of God is designed to keep you from harm, which is what God promises all of us in Jeremiah 29:11.

Why Jesus’ Ascension Still Matters Today

Mike Bitter talks about Jesus’ Ascension and why it is still important today. The Ascension came 40 days after the Resurrection.

Mike Bitter’s sermon is entitled “Why Jesus’ Ascension Still Matters Today.” To many people the Ascension seems like a PS to the main message of the Gospel—perhaps a convenient way for Christ to go back to heaven. But does it really matter today? And is it essential to our Christian faith? Mike walks you through this incredible story, then nicely ties it all together.

Infinite Treasure – Daily Devotional-Experiencing God Day by Day

Infinite Treasure – Experiencing God Day by Day devotional – April 8th – Mike Bitter reads today’s daily devotional. What you’ve been through shows like the outside of well used jars. No matter what happens on the outside, keep faith and allow God to work through you. It is an incredible way to live!! Experiencing God Day by Day-Blackaby-2016- B&H

Anxiety 101 – What IF vs What IS

Don’t judge eternity by your current circumstances.

We have to remember in the big scheme of things, it does not matter who you are in all of this as long as you remember who’s you are. You are a child of the most High God.

This is the Truth that makes it well with our Souls. Keep your eyes on Jesus. That is the only way we can see through eyes of faith rather than eyes of fear. He is our author, and finisher of our faith.

Remember the Grass

Remember the Grass

Overview: God asks us to cultivate the ground, plant seeds of righteousness, then nurture them to maturity.  We all have seeds we can plant, but it’s easier to leave them in the container they came in and not do anything with the seeds we’ve been given.  God can’t work His Glory if seeds don’t get planted.

Click Here For the Podcast


5 FREE Online Marketing Webinars in One Day

Come to One or All of The Webinars!

  • August 26th This Friday
  • 9am-2pm
  • Cost: Free-But you must register to get the call-in details for the webinar
  • Location: Online

Register Today! 

9-10a Google Your Business: Get Your Business Online
10-11a Facebook Advertising
11a-12p Content Creation: Pump Up Your Marketing
12-1p Email Marketing Just Got Easier
1-2p LinkedIn to Help Increase Your Reach
(all times are cst)