Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional – Mike Bitter Reads Henry Blackaby

Experiencing God Day by Day devotional – April 7th – Mike Bitter reads today’s daily devotional from Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God Day by Day. As we get closer to celebrating the Resurrection we need to meditate on HIS Word. Psalm 1:2 Instead, his delight is in the LORD’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. Have a great day!

Click on this URL to hear Mike Reading.

Jesus Last Stand – The Palm Sunday Story

Mike Bitter from Christian Church of Waterloo, Nebraska tells the Palm Sunday story. He tells how Jesus boldly and courageously went into Jerusalem knowing the end result. Jesus did exactly what HIS Father told him to do. Are you listening? Are you doing what our Father has called us to do? With most worldly distractions gone for the time being, we have time to reflect on our relationship with God and “get right” with HIM if you’re not already there.

Anxiety 101 – What IF vs What IS

Don’t judge eternity by your current circumstances.

We have to remember in the big scheme of things, it does not matter who you are in all of this as long as you remember who’s you are. You are a child of the most High God.

This is the Truth that makes it well with our Souls. Keep your eyes on Jesus. That is the only way we can see through eyes of faith rather than eyes of fear. He is our author, and finisher of our faith.