More Like Jesus and Less Like Me

Are we molding our image of Jesus into something that allows us to sin and tolerate something other than who Jesus was? I am enthralled by the concept and so I wanted to bring it to your attention and take a look at ourselves to see how we envision Jesus. Maybe even take a look at the church and see how closely we mimic Jesus, or how much closer we can become like Jesus. Maybe we need some work to be done. See what you think.

More Like Jesus and Less Like Me.pdf

God Gave Us the Tools We Need to Fly

What is your spirit?  Has it changed over time?  Is it where you’d like to have it for your time in life?  If not, how would you change it?  The first thing is to decide where you are.  What you believe in and where you want to go. Sometimes our spirit is dictated by our circumstances and not by the Holy Spirit or the spirit that was put inside us.  In the first chapter of Genesis, it states God’s Spirit hovered over the waters; then from His spirit, He created light and separated the night from the day.  That was the start of Him creating the universe and who knows what else.

God Gave Us the Tools We Need to Fly.pdf

It’s My First Book

The Great Commission calls us to “Make disciples of all nations….” There are hesitations when it comes to actually going beyond the walls of the church to do what we’ve been called by God to do. Sermon Creation is an easy reference to get you started, and gives you ideas on what to say and how to say it. If you’re a pastor or minister, sometimes the words just aren’t there. Sermon Creation will be able to help you get over those humps and focus on a sermon even Jesus would be proud to hear. Don’t let “brain fog” plague you again. Be bold! Be courageous! Go! Go and preach the Gospel to the world!

Click Here to Purchase Your Copy of Sermon Creation

Using Truth as Your Compass

Using Truth as Your Compass

From what I read in the Scriptures, I believe God does not ask us to stand next to Him, He wants us to stand with (in) Him. You cannot do that physically, that’s impossible. So what is He asking us to do? He’s asking us to stand with Him in Spirit. Whew! That may seem to be a huge task, but not for those who seek first His Kingdom.

Using Truth As Your Compass

New Year’s Changes

This is the year to do things; to make things happen that will not happen without YOU! Yes YOU! God is waiting for you to step up. I’m not sure what he wants you to do, but YOU do, or you will. Let’s put all the gunk from the last few years in our rear view mirror, get up from the couch, and briskly move forward to what awaits us. I’m already seeing good things start to happen, but each one of us needs to make a decision to make changes to our spirit and to keep our eyes on Jesus for opportunities to Reach One and Teach One.

Click Below to Read More or Watch the video……

New Year’s Changes

Pastor’s Class Booklet and Sermon Cheat Sheet

Below you will find the Pastor’s Class Workbook and the Sermon Cheat Sheet for the Martinwood International Pastor’s Class? These are good documents to have as you go through the Pastor’s Class Course. With these documents in hand, you can focus on the real reason you need these documents; to teach the Word of the Lord.

Use them wisely and pray before you talk to someone about God and/or preach the Word. God Bless!

Click Here to Download the Pastor’s Class Booklet

Click here to download the Sermon Cheat Sheet