The Supermen in Our Lives

Every once in a while we run into someone who we feel is a superman.  It is that one person who looks and feels like he is:

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. The infant of Krypton is now the Man of Steel: Superman!

One such person is behind the blinds in this REAP (Rural Enterprise Assistance Project) office, Mr. Juan Sandoval.

Juan Sandoval in the Schuyler REAP office

Juan is the REAP Latino Business Center Director.  He received the 2016 Outstanding Service Award from the Nebraska Entrepreneurship Task Force.

I have personally worked with Juan and he rightfully won this award.  Juan always puts his clients first and is constantly and consistently doing for others.  I’ve watched as the people who he’s helped come to my presentations.  They are always happy to see him and grateful to be working with him.  The official write up is below.

Are You 50+ and Not Happy with Your Job?

Are you 50+ and not happy with your job, or are looking to become self sufficient, or have a second income?  There are a lot of 50+ people in the same boat as you and they’re ready to make a change.  Maybe it’s not that you are unhappy with your job, but maybe you’ve lost your job, or are having a hard time finding work and you aren’t sure what the future holds for you.  In the meantime you’ve thought about starting your own business. How would you like to hold the future in your own hands by working for yourself?  Many 50+ people are doing just that and becoming very successful and we’ll show YOU how.

With a little bit of information and the help from free resources, it is possible to start your own business.  You’re not the only one thinking about it.  You’ll meet some of them during this presentation because lots of people are stepping out and starting their own business.  It may not be as hard as you think, especially when given the tools and access to the knowledge you need to get started.

This Wednesday, December 14th at 1:00pm Mike Bitter of GROW Nebraska will be presenting AARP Foundation’s FREE Work for Yourself@50+℠ at Omaha’s Do Space on the SW corner of 72nd and Dodge.  Don’t delay your future.  Register today at 1-888-339-5617.

Work for Yourself@50+ is a new initiative launched by AARP Foundation, with support from The Hartford. The program helps low- and moderate-income older adults explore opportunities to work for themselves and take the right steps toward successful self-employment.

For generations, creating and owning a business has been a path to financial success and economic mobility. In low- and moderate-income families, self-employment and business ownership can help build economic security.

If you think you’re too old to start your own business, think again! About 26 percent of all recent startups were formed by people between the ages of 55 and 65. That’s up from 15 percent in 1996.

Register at 1-888-339-5617

 Work for Yourself@50+ looks at self-employment paths in contracting, freelancing, microbusiness and social enterprise, and helps people identify their own marketable traits, talents and skills. It also offers useful financial advice — regardless of participants’ specific financial situation.

The decision to start your own business can be both exciting and daunting. Work for Yourself@50+ breaks the choices down and gives you the information you need to succeed.

Mike has been working with business entrepreneurs for over 8 years and knows what it takes to get started and be successful.  He will be offering his tips and tricks along with an outstanding program offered by the AARP Foundation with support from The Hartford.  We will have special guest Roy Norden from Performance Group Inc., a 50+ entrepreneur.  Roy will offer information because he’s been there/done that.

Don’t miss this compelling, insightful program for anyone who’s looking for a change in their life, a jump start, or just to have a second income.  Best part is it’s free, but you have to Register at 1-888-339-5617.


Mike’s Headed to Norfolk

What fun.  I’ll be in Norfolk, Nebraska next Wednesday evening presenting “Simple Steps for a Well Run Business” for the Norfolk SCORE office.  This presentation is a collaboration between SCORE and Canon USA and we’re excited to present it.  Here’s the information.


SBA Launches New Website for America’s Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

SBA Launches New Website for America’s Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Source: SBA
SBA has launched, a new website to further streamline and improve the application processes for small businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to do business with the federal government.

“SBA is committed to being as nimble and agile as the small businesses we serve. In addition to LINC our Start Up in a Day Initiative andSmall Business Tech Coalition, the launch is another way SBA is leveraging the power of technology for Americans.

This new website first focuses on closing market gaps for women entrepreneurs in the federal marketplace by featuring the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program as we work toward breaking federal contracting goals for a second year in fiscal year 2016,” said SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet.

Using Analytics to Generate More Business Seminar is Tomorrow

Do you know if prospects are listening to your digital message?  Are you reaching your target demographics?


If you’re not sure if your digital marketing is reaching your target audience, then this presentation is for you.  

In the fast paced business world of today, you don’t have time to “guess” what is working and what isn’t.  You need to know what’s working and you need to know right now.  In this insightful workshop you will find out which analytics are the most important to monitor, how to “read” the analytics you have access to, and identify what works and what doesn’t.

In this workshop you will learn:
  • Where Social Media and email marketing analytics are located
  • How to “read” analytics to figure out what your customers want
  • What analytics mean to your business and how to use them to your advantage
  • When is the right time to use digital marketing to generate more business
