As of late I’ve come to realize there are demons with different characteristics. It came to my attention when my wife asked me how I could fight demons in others, but cannot beat the demons who try to become personal with me.
To date I’ve only had discernment of other’s demons, and although I know they are there, I did not realize there was a difference between their’s and my own. My own demons attack in a different way

I’ve found personal demons are just that…..personal. They know you from inside, they’ve always been there. They are cunning, sneaky, underhanded and wanting to steal, kill and destroy.
The fault is they know you; personally, so they slide in when you’re not looking and by the time you see them working near you, they’ve already started wreaking havoc, and oh they love wreaking havoc. They have eternity, so they do not care how long it takes to “work their way in”. They are cunning, sneaky, underhanded and wanting to steal, kill and destroy
I sometimes feel there isn’t anything I can do about them. They just “appear.” on the scene. Which is not reality, but appearance in THE WORLD is not what is always happening.

Some things can be spotted, watched and/or dealt with as it “appears”. You have to stay vigilant for the early warning signs, BUT if they are already at work in your life, you might have to take more drastic measures.
Even as I sit at my desk, looking at a lush forest, I can feel satan working inside to keep me from writing this.
he is real. he is waiting for you and loves to steal, kill and destroy. You have the power to overcome, to slay, to push through and although it seems tough, you will make it.
You can and will win!! See you back here soon. Please leave a comment below. Peace
Mike Bitter