What Was It Like?

When I think of the night Jesus was born I am amazed at how beautiful it must have been.  This is God’s one and only Son.  This is His time to bring something wonderful into the world, and so He did.As I  think about the night He was born I see a beautiful night beyond belief.  The sky was clear and glistening with what probably appeared as diamonds.  All except for one star that outshone all the others.

This star was the star that guided the Wise Men from afar.  It shone over Jesus as He lay peacefully in the manger.  We’ve watched as many people have performed this scene for us and yet, I never grow weary of it.

Did Mary know what her son was to do for the world.  To her amazement of what she was told, she was told bits and pieces, but never given the entire story.  Kind of like our lives.  We get bits and pieces that we can digest, but many times we don’t know the whole story.

I am sure Mary was looking forward to her role as Jesus mother.  I started to say she may have been scared or confused, but just then I remembered those emotions are from satan, not God.  Our God is a God of peace, just like when we saw Jesus as a baby.  He was quiet, radiant, beautiful and most of all, He was full of peace.

During the last few days of this season, take time out for peace; bring peace to someone else or take a few minutes for yourself and breathe.  God’s got this.  He wants you to enjoy the peace that transcends all understanding.  Just keep you hearts and minds on Christ Jesus.